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We, KENT Antique, are offering our services in Asian contries.
Our main business is wholesale of antique furniture and probably we are one of the biggest company in Japanese market.
Our antique furniture’s quality is very high so it is suitable not only for antique shops but other commercial facilities.
We can offer wide range of different types of antique furniture from our huge stocks.
You can easily order from just one piece of furniture to hundreds.
All our furniture is carefully restored by experienced Japanese workers so “High JAPAN Quality” is kept in all of them.
Shizuoka is a name of place which is located almost in the middle of Japan. It is widely known as biggest furniture city in Japan. Our warehouse is also placed there to produce high standard restoration.
Many numbers of wholesale in commercial facilities. If you require, we are ready to offer you hundreds of chairs from our stocks.
We can also offer you high standard restorations for commercial needs.
We have received good feed backs from our customers in many different fields of businesses.